Friday, July 01, 2005

First of all, I would like to thank you all for your birthday wishes, it's really made my day, I've just got through 28 emails, thanks so much ;o)
Well, last night was an absolute scream, I haven't laughed so much in ages! There was only 4 of us in the end, a far cry from my birthday parties in Munich....but the guys that did come out and brave the weather really made up for it! We had dinner first at a lovely Italian restaurant, Sue, Dave and Simon have never met before, but they all got on like a house on fire. After we'd eaten I got out the balloons that Chris had sent, everyone in the restaurant must have thought we were very strange, the balloons came with a little pump, it wasn't actually physically possible to blow them up..but the pump took forever to get any air into them. That was Simons job to pump them up, and Sue, well Sue was a natural at making things with them, (a lot of them rude I must say!) we were in hysterics, I've got about 50 hilarious photos, I won't bore you with all of them, but here are a few! lol ;o)
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After that we went to a bar in Kings Cross, had a boogie and a dance, and a couple more drinks, then as it was a school night, everyone had to go home to bed. What a funny night tho!
Today I have packed and moved to North Ryde, don't know how I managed to get it all done! Jason helped me as he's got a car, I wouldn't have managed otherwise. I can't believe how much stuff I've got, considering I arrived here with just a rucksack, I've now filled a whole large suitcase just with clothes, how on earth I'm going to get these home I don't know! I haven't unpacked yet, I keep putting it off. I have just phoned a couple of recruitment agencies, I'm now hoping that some work will come up for the next 2 weeks.

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