Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Finished work now.....yaay! My last day was quite good, I had lots of compliments, everyone was saying that I'd done a great job and they didn't want me to leave, so I was quite chuffed! They are all really nice there.
On Friday night, I met up with Al, Hayley and Sue, we went to a couple of bars in Darling Harbour, it was a pretty quiet night, but it was good cos we had a chance to talk.
Yesterday was busy, I had to move all my stuff downstairs and sort everything out. Went into the city last night, I had such a good night, there were loads of us out. I'd invited Aaron and Tanya, who arrived here a couple of weeks ago. Aaron used to work with my Mum, I'd never met him before, but we've been in contact by email as we've both been doing the travelling thing. They are really nice, we all got on really well, it was their first night out here, I think they had a good time. I bet Aaron thinks I'm so different from my Mum! The other Aaron (the one I met on the bus) came out too with his friend, and Jason, Todd, Sue and lots of their friends. Later on we went to meet Al and Hayley who were with some other friends of theirs, then we all went clubbing in Kings Cross.
All the girls together (Hayley, Al, Tanya, me and Sue)
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I didn't get home until 5am, I'm absolutely knackered and I had to do my packing as well.....I really didn't need to be doing that, but it's almost done now!
Flights at 7.45 tomorrow morning...why on earth did I book it so early......I'm getting really excited now ;o) I'm meeting Al and Hayley the following day so I won't be all on my own!

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