Been feeling a bit depressed, it's my 34th birthday tomorrow and I'm absolutely dreading it. I can't believe I'm that old, I'm worrying that I'm running out of time to do stuff, there's still so much I want to do and I don't think a lot of it is possible now :-(
Anyway, I finally arranged something for last night, I kept putting it off, but thought I should really do something. It was a fun night, just a small gathering, Andy and Nicola came over, it was great to see them as we hadn't met up for ages. I got lots of nice pressies and cards and even a little birthday cake. Rach and Stu were dressed up, they had a fancy dress party to go to, Rach looked great, really funny! We went to a couple of different bars, so it was quite a late night. I've actually lost my voice today, I was cleaning the mould off our windows yesterday with this special spray, and I think I've inhaled some of it, my throat is quite sore.
So tomorrow night Jason has booked a nice restaurant for us, and then we're going to go to a comedy night. He already took me to see Phantom of the Opera as a surprise treat, I'm very lucky!
On Friday night we went out for a friends birthday, there were about 40 of us at a restaurant, and most of them were Irish, so you can imagine there was lots of drinks being had! Was really good fun. We were up early on Saturday morning, we went to see Kung Fu Panda, it was my work social club thing, so it was all free, we were eating ice cream and pop corn at 10 in the morning!! After that we went down to the garden centre and bought ourselves a little herb garden, Jason planted it all yesterday, it looks lovely. We also got an indoors plant and a couple of cactus, trying to make our flat look more homely. Talking of that, we're finally getting our settee next weekend...yaaay! It only took them 2.5 months! Luckily we didn't lose our deposit as the company was bought out and they have promised to deliver all outstanding orders.
That's about it for now. I'm just going to post a few random pics, I've finally figured out how to get photos from my phone onto my computer!
Our herb garden
Our friends cat (she just had a shave!)
Jason and Willy
and one from after our half marathon
Happy Birthday!
i totally understand about being unnerved by the prospect of getting older - how'd you like to be looking at FIFTY! anyhow, your life is in a great place now and you're happily married - all good! it is hard to let go of it, but try - enjoy every moment you have!
i was thinking of you this morning - of your 30th birthday - in a mexican place in munich - i hardly knew you, but i remember coming with henry - chris was out of town. anyhow, enjoy your day!
love jane
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