Monday, April 07, 2008

Well, they said that I'd have all in the time in the world after the wedding, how wrong can they be, I tell you I haven't stopped. I really don't know how I coped before with the preparations, and my college when I'm not really coping now! We've taken up the challenge of running the half marathon (21kms) in 5 weeks, so every spare minute seems to be used up bloomin exercising! Before the wedding, Jason and I said we were going to stop being so obsessed with exercise when we got back...but it's gone the other way! My training is going quite well, I managed to run 15km last week, but I tried again on Saturday and only managed 10km. I've also joined a group and we are raising funds for the womens hospital for the humidicribs for the intensive care baby unit, not doing too well on the sponsors though :-(
I'll be suprised if anyone reads my blog anymore, they probably have thought I"ve stopped updating so might not bother checking anymore, I can't blame them!
So what else....I'm still waiting for my permanent contract, there is quite a lot going on at work at the moment, so they've had to push back on that for the moment unfortunately. Work is so busy at the moment, it's been very stressful.
We bought a new settee for our flat which should arrive in a couple of weeks, very excited, it's really comfy and it'll make our flat look much nicer. We also booked our flights to go home for Christmas...wohhoo!! I'm sooo excited, it'll be my first Christmas back home in 4 years. We also have our good friends, Andy and Nicola's wedding in Ireland in Jan, so that's something we're really looking forward to. Chris, Martina and Hugo will be going too, will be really great to spend a few days with them. I"m sure Hugo will be really big by then! I hope he'll still remember my voice, we've been on skype a few times and he seems to recognise my voice as he smiles when I first start talking....I'll have to get my webcam up too soon so he can see me, then he'll definitely recognise me when I see him.
Ok, so I'm going to go now...Desperate Housewives is I wouldn't want to suprise anyone by writing too much in my first post in ages!!


Anonymous said...

Hi Vikki,

Welcome back!

Hope to meet you at Xmas


jane said...

i'm still reading you vik!

we'll see you in ireland!


Anonymous said...

Still reading it too Vik!!! Please don't stop!! I love your weekly installments of life down under!!!
Keep it coming hot stuff!xx
Love Alxx

Anonymous said...

me toooo, I read it! Planty