Surely my last entry was later than the 4th Dec...oops....I'm really slacking!
As most of you know (as I probably saw most of my loyal readers), Jason and I were in the UK over Christmas and Ireland for the New Year. Had an absolute blast, the whole 3 weeks were such good fun...first spending Christmas with Mum, Unky P and Penny, catching up with a couple of friends, and then spending the week in Ireland with my brother, Martina and of course little Hugo, and then the big wedding of Andy and Nicola which also meant catching up with good friends from the old Munich couldn't have been any better, was so great to see all you guys, just like old times!!
I really struggled to leave this time....sometimes I feel like my whole life is one big series of goodbyes, so I'm on a bit of a downer at the moment. I'm sure things will pick up again once I've settled back in, but it is so hard. I guess having jetlag doesn't help, we only got back Saturday morning, so we've really only had one day where we can lie in before heading off back to work (I woke up at 4am today and couldn't get back to sleep!) Oh well, that's the way it goes!! So, talking of sleep, I think it's time for me to head to bed!!